4 Foods that Decrease Pain (and 3 that Increase Pain)

foodFood is an everyday part of our lives. But many people are so busy with work, school, and other things that they don’t think much about what they are eating. With obesity rates at such high levels, Americans are becoming more and more aware of the foods they consume. But food doesn’t just impact your weight – some foods can increase or decrease pain levels and inflammation in the body. Here we will examine a handful of foods on both sides of the aisle – those that can increase pain, and those that help fight pain.

Foods that Increase Pain

Here are some foods to avoid if you are experiencing inflammation or pain:

  • Soda, or “pop” as it’s known in Minnesota, is loaded with sugar that can increase inflammation, rot your teeth, etc.
  • Salt. Most processed foods contain a LOT of salt for preservation purposes. But too much salt can lead to joint inflammation and pain. So read the labels carefully, paying attention to the sodium levels of the foods you buy.
  • Corn Oil. It’s high in omega-6 fatty acids that can spark inflammation.

While it may be difficult to cut out these items from your diet, there are much better, healthier alternatives that can even reduce your pain.

Foods for Pain Relief

Here are some foods that can help relieve pain:

  • Olive Oil. Compared to corn oil, olive oil has omega-3 fatty acids that can actually help reduce inflammation, and has been shown to help people with arthritis.
  • Garlic. Several studies have shown that the antioxidants in garlic can help relieve pain from rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions.
  • Salmon is loaded with antioxidants and protein, as well as fatty acids that can decrease joint pain.
  • Ginger. This root has been used to relieve pain for thousands of years. A recent study found that it might be just as effective as some NSAIDs in relieving pain.

The food you eat has a great impact on your bodily health. So remember to be conscious of your food choices, especially if you are in pain.