How To Get Quality Sleep In The Face Of Chronic Pain

 sleepRestful sleep is incredibly important to our overall health. When we’re well rested, our body has time to recover from the rigors of the previous day, and we have more energy to attack today with exercise and activity. Conversely, poor sleep quality can do just the opposite. If we’re not getting great sleep, we may be more sedentary throughout the day and pain sensitivity can also increase. It is very important to work to get quality sleep.

With that said, quality restful sleep isn’t always easy to come by, especially if you are dealing with a pain condition that makes it harder for you to fall asleep or stay asleep. You may have to work a little harder to achieve restful sleep in the face of a chronic pain condition, but it can be done and it will be worth it. In today’s blog, we share some tips for achieving restful sleep despite dealing with a chronic pain condition.

Improving Your Sleep Quality If You Have Chronic Pain

We know that chronic pain is unique to the individual, so we don’t expect all of these tips to work perfectly for every single person battling a pain condition. However, if you really commit to one or more of these techniques, we’re confident that you’ll eventually find a way to improve your sleep quality. Here’s what we suggest.

Turn Off Distractions – For starters, keep your phone out of arm’s reach and don’t fall asleep to a television program in bed. These blue light sources can strain our eyes and make our brain more alert, which in turn makes it harder for you to relax and fall asleep. Try to make the last 15-30 minutes or more before bed a technology-free time.

Deep Breathing – You can help your body become more relaxed by practicing some deep breathing or meditation exercises right before bedtime. Focus on your breathing patterns and feel yourself begin to calm down and relax. Try to block out your mind from any sources of stress and really just work on clearing your head.

Exercise During The Day – Many people find that they fall asleep faster and sleep better if they are physically active during the day. Your body craves activity, and challenging your body with activity is physically exhausting. Sometimes feelings of anxiousness or restlessness at bedtime can be controlled by making it a point to exercise during the day. Exercise is also great for chronic pain management.

Avoid Caffeine and Naps – It may also be helpful to ditch the caffeine and naps, especially in the afternoon or evening if you want to fall asleep faster at night. We know that a nap can recharge your batteries and help you get through the day, but it can also make it harder to fall asleep at night. Try to avoid napping and consuming large amounts of caffeine in the hours before bed. A coffee to start your morning shouldn’t cause any problems at night, but a soda with dinner may, so be mindful of what you put in your body before bed.

Dive Into A Pain Management Plan – If pain is the main reason you’re struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep, we urge you to talk with a pain management specialist like Dr. Cohn to develop a personalized care plan. By making small adjustments to your daily life with things like increased exercise, dietary improvements, medication management, posture awareness and physical therapy techniques, we’re confident we can help you find ways to reduce or eliminate your chronic pain, which can make it easier for you to relax and fall asleep at night. Chronic pain and poor sleep quality can build off one another, so really commit to a pain management plan, and you may find that your sleep quality dramatically improves.

For help overcoming personalized sleep issues that you’re dealing with, or for assistance managing your unique chronic pain situation, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.

Healthy Eating Can Be Hard If You Have Chronic Pain

vegetable dietNew research published in Scientific Reports found that many patients with chronic pain expressed a desire to have healthier dietary habits, but following through on this desire can be difficult as a result of their pain condition.

Researchers took a deep look at some self-reported aspects of diet and nutrition among patients who were suffering from a chronic pain condition. They found that despite pursuing some common suboptimal habits like fast-food consumption and irregular mealtimes, many patients with chronic pain expressed a desire to live healthier. Researchers say the findings can help healthcare professionals and pain care specialists address nutritional challenges faced by patients with long-term pain.

Healthy Eating And Chronic Pain

For the study, researchers polled more than 2,100 individuals with a chronic pain condition about a variety of lifestyle factors and their pain levels. The average patient was just over 46 years old, and more than half were overweight or obese. More than half said they had been in pain for five or more years and reported high levels of pain intensity.

When comparing lifestyle factors, researchers found:

  • People who said they desired to eat healthier were more like to report a longer duration of pain.
  • A higher pain score was significantly associated with suboptimal eating habits (irregular meal times, unhealthy food choices, etc.).
  • People with the worst eating habits were the most likely to express a desire to eat healthier.

Looking at the totality of the study, it’s clear that there is a large portion of chronic pain sufferers who want to eat healthier but struggle to do so. And this is understandable, because chronic pain has a significant impact on a number of different aspects of your life. Chronic pain can be isolating and increase your risk of anxiety and depression, all of which can increase your risk of turning towards nutrient-poor and energy-rich food options. Doctors should be jumping at the opportunity to help patients improve their eating habits, because clearly the underlying motivation is there, they are just struggling with following through on these desires.

This is especially true when you consider just how much of an impact your diet can have on your chronic pain condition. A poor diet can lead to increased inflammation, increased oxidative stress, poorer gut health and alter your metabolism, all of which can make a chronic pain condition and its symptoms worse. Making some small positive changes can slowly help you become healthier and regain more control over your chronic pain condition.

We understand that changing your diet and eating healthier is not easy, especially when you’re battling a chronic pain condition, but that’s where we come in. We know that treating chronic pain needs to be a multi-faceted approach, and nutrition is just one key aspect that we’ll focus on during your journey to better health. Don’t just opt for a doctor who is going to write you a script and send you on your way. Work with a provider who takes a comprehensive approach to pain care, and we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the success of your treatment.

For more information, or for help with a chronic pain condition you’re experiencing, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today at (952) 738-4580.

Vitamin Treatment May Be The Key To Unlocking Chronic Pain

vitamin b3A type of Vitamin B3, called nicotinamide riboside, could hold the key to unlocking the problem of chronic pain in millions of Americans.

The vitamin works by targeting inflammation, which is oftentimes the source of pain in patients with chronic pain. Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury, but in many patients with chronic pain, inflammation develops too easily or fails to resolve in an adequate manner, leading to frequent bouts of chronic pain. Inflammation onset and its ability to resolve is believed to be tied to mitochondria function. Your mitochondria help to power your cells and ensure the cell has the ability to perform a number of essential functions, like tissue repair and inflammation control.

To see if they could improve mitochondria function and in turn inflammation control, researchers triggered an inflammatory response in the hind paws of 15 mice. They then measured the amount of oxygen consumed by mitochondria in the sensory neurons of the mice, which is a helpful indicator of mitochondria function. A week after inflammation had resolved, researchers noticed that these mitochondria were consuming significantly more oxygen, suggesting that inflammation was inhibiting their normal function.

When comparing metabolites between mice in the test group and mice who had not experienced an inflammatory reaction in their hind paws, they found that mice in the test group had lower than expected levels of nicotinamide riboside in the mitochondria of their sensory neurons. Nicotinamide riboside helps mitochondria function properly.

Vitamin B3 And Chronic Pain

With all that new information, researchers conducted another test. This time, researchers gave half the mice a high dose of nicotinamide riboside. Next, they assessed the animals’ sensitivity to pain by measuring how quickly they moved their paws away from a heat source. They found that mice who did not receive the dose of vitamin B3 pulled their foot away from the heat source twice as quickly as those who had received the dosage, suggesting that nicotinamide riboside can help combat pain sensitivity, a common denominator in patients with chronic pain.

Researchers concluded by saying that they believe that nicotinamide riboside can help to calm pain sensitivity and restore crucial mitochondria function in mice dealing with an inflammatory response. Should these results translate to humans, it could be a major breakthrough in how inflammation-driven chronic pain is treated.

But before you rush out to grab some vitamin B3 supplements, know that this was early stage research conducted on mice, and we’re a long way away from proving its viability in humans. Still, it’s research like this that gives us hope that we may soon be able to find new and effective ways to treat the complex problem of chronic pain. In the meantime, if you’d like to work with a pain management specialist who will pursue some more clinically-proven techniques for treating your chronic pain issue, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.

Preventing Common Causes Of Fibromyalgia Flareups

fibromyalgiaAnyone who suffers from fibromyalgia knows just how disruptive a flareup can be. One minute you’re enjoying your day, the next you’re dealing with pain and fatigue. And while fibromyalgia can be a tricky condition to completely cure, you can significantly reduce the number of flareups you experience if you are aware of some of the most common fibromyalgia triggers.

Below, we take a look at some of the ways you can prevent fibromylagia flareups by addressing some of the most common triggers.

Common Fibromylagia Triggers And Prevention Tips

Here’s a look at some of the most common fibromylagia triggers, and some advice for keeping these triggers at bay.

Sleep Deprivation – Failing to get adequate healthy sleep can seriously increase your risk of a fibromyalgia flareup. Poor sleep has been clinically proven to increase our sensitivity to pain, make a person more susceptible to a flareup. Obviously the issue can be cyclical in nature, with poor sleep leading to fibro flareups, and flareups making it hard to attain restful sleep. Our best advice is to make your bedroom a dark and quiet environment free from light and technological distractions, and strive to go to bed and wake up around the same time in order to make it easier for your body to develop a healthy circadian rhythm.

Routine Irregularity – If your daily routine is regularly upended, it’s easier to become stressed, and stress is a major trigger for fibromyalgia. We’re not saying that you need to do the exact same things every single day to avoid stress triggers, but try to create a healthy sleep and meal schedule. Wake up, eat your meals and go to bed around the same time each day to help your body get in a healthy routine.

Poor Dietary Choices – Unhealthy food choices are oftentimes pro-inflammatory, and inflammation onset can trigger a fibromyalgia flareup. Try to get the bulk of your calories from fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Limit the fatty and sugary foods, as they can lead to reactions inside your body that cause a fibromyalgia flareup.

Stress – Stress is likely the most common cause of a fibromyalgia flareup, and that makes sense because we all experience stress each and every day. We deal with work pressure, social stressors and family drama, and all of that stress and anxiety can lead to muscle tension and a fibromyalgia flareup. Work to eliminate sources of stress from your life, and find healthy outlets to manage it when it manifests. Many people find that exercise, yoga, meditation or reading can help them find some inner balance and reduce feelings of stress.

Illness – People with fibromyalgia tend to have it worse when they get sick, because sickness triggers an inflammatory response within the body, and this inflammation can contribute to a fibromyalgia attack. There’s no way to completely avoid getting sick, but make it a point to develop some healthy habits. Eat a nutritious diet, wash your hands regularly and get your flu shot every year!

If you’re finding it difficult to mange your fibromyalgia flareups, don’t be afraid to lean on a professional for assistance. Dr. Cohn has helped countless patients reduce or eliminate their fibromyalgia flareups by giving them the individualized attention they need to cultivate a treatment program tailored to their individual needs. For more information, or to enlist his help, give his office a call today at (952) 738-4580.

Chronic Pain The Main Reason For Medical Marijuana In Minnesota

medical marijuana benefitsRecreational marijuana became legal in Minnesota on August 1, but many patients with chronic pain were legally seeking out marijuana well before this year. That’s because Minnesota is one of many states that allows for the production, purchase and use of medicinal marijuana.

Medicinal marijuana has been recommended as a way to relieve symptoms in patients with a variety of conditions. From easing the symptoms of terminal cancer to providing relief for much less serious issues, medicinal marijuana is currently being pursued by tens of thousands of Minnesotans for their health condition. Recently, we learned that the most common reason why a person sought out medicinal marijuana in Minnesota was due to chronic pain.

“By far, chronic pain is what drives our program,” said David Rak, research manager for the Minnesota Department of Health’s Office of Medical Cannabis.

Medicinal Marijuana For Chronic Pain

According to Rak, nearly 60 percent of patients in Minnesota’s medicinal marijuana program cite chronic pain as their reason for enrollment. Currently, 24,270 of the program’s 41,183 participants are seeking treatment for chronic pain.

Researchers are still working to understand exactly why medical marijuana can help relieve symptoms in patients with chronic pain. However, because chronic pain is so unique to the individual, and because there are so many different types of marijuana, it’s not easy to pinpoint why some patients experience relief why others do not. Some researchers believe medicinal marijuana works by triggering the release of certain natural chemicals in the brain that can provide pain relief, while others suggest that medicinal marijuana can help to reduce inflammation and associated discomfort.

Others swear by the benefits of medicinal marijuana for another reason. As we’ve talked about on the blog in the past, healthy sleep is critical for working to overcome a pain condition, and many patients find that medicinal marijuana helps them fall asleep faster and achieve a more restful sleep.

“Sleep is really an important factor, actually,” said Rak. “If you’re sleeping better and you wake up rested, you’re more ready to start the day. You feel stronger.”

Others love that it has helped them transition away from potentially dangerous opioids. A study by the Department of Health found that 38 percent of patients with intractable pain who had been using marijuana for five months were able to reduce the amount of opioids they were taking as a result of their marijuana use. That same study also found that 42 percent reported a significant reduction in pain intensity after using medicinal marijuana.

So if you have chronic pain, should you consider enrolling in the state’s medical marijuana program, or should you just buy recreational weed and see if it offers the same benefits? For starters, you’ll want to talk with your pain management specialist before beginning either regimen. Odds are they will have some recommendations and additional treatments they’ll propose in conjunction with the medical marijuana program, like exercise or physical therapy.

If you do decide to move forward with marijuana, it’s probably best to go through the state’s medicinal marijuana program. Being enrolled allows your doctor to work with a dispensary pharmacist and decide on a type that will work well for your symptoms and not interfere with any other medications you’re taking. Medicinal marijuana products are also highly regulated and tested to ensure they have a specific amount of THC and CBD, something you may not get if you buy elsewhere. The program used to carry a $200 enrollment fee, but now it is free, although you’ll have to have your chronic pain condition certified by a professional like Dr. Cohn.

For more information about whether or not chronic pain could be a viable complimentary treatment for your chronic pain condition, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.