Fibromyalgia – Not Just In Your Head

The problem with invisible illnesses like fibromyalgia or CRPS is that people who don’t understand the condition often think someone is faking the condition or making it up for attention. The fact of the matter is that these are real conditions that plague hundreds of thousands of individuals in the United States each and every day. Because symptoms come in waves and patients can have good days and bad days, outsiders think that symptom prevalence can arise or decrease at “convenient times.”

Let me tell you this – there is nothing “convenient” about these illnesses. Some of the strongest people I’ve seen carry around the weight of these invisible diseases every day. Nobody wants to be bothered by painful flare ups or joint discomfort. They want to be pain free, and oftentimes they’ve undergone countless different treatment options to no avail.

Understanding Fibromyalgia

In an effort to help more people understand these invisible illnesses, we’ve decided to share an infographic that helps to shine a light on one of the more common chronic conditions – Fibromyalgia. So take a couple of minutes and give the infographic a closer look, so the next time someone opens up about their pain, you’ll have a better understanding of what they might be going through.

The following infographic is from
