Everybody’s battle against chronic pain is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to treating chronic pain. However, one thing many patients have in common is a desire to avoid painkillers and opioids at all costs. That’s not to say that opioids can’t be a crucial part of a chronic pain treatment program, but for one reason or another, many patients want to avoid them if at all possible.
If you’re one of those people who wants to try and treat their chronic pain without the assistance of opioids, we want to help. Below, we look at some ways you can work to alleviate symptoms and treat the root cause of your chronic pain without painkillers.
Treating Pain Without Pills
Many chronic pain patients find relief with some form or a combination of the following treatment options.
1. Exercise – Sometimes your chronic pain is derived from instability or your body’s inability to provide ample support for stress that is being channeled through an area. Exercise can help to strengthen weakened areas of your body, but it also helps by pushing healthy blood throughout your body so that oxygenated blood and nutrients can aid in tissue development. If traditional exercises like running or walking are too painful, consider some limited weight-bearing exercises like swimming or an elliptical.
2. Yoga – Yoga can provide a number of the same benefits as exercise, but it can also help treat chronic pain that is causing limited mobility. Yoga can help to expand your range of motion and treat issues like chronic neck pain or frozen shoulder. Find a beginner class near you and drag a friend a long to join in the fun.
3. Meditation and Mindfulness – Sometimes, it’s not about treating just the physical condition, you also need to be cognizant of your mindset and how chronic pain is affecting your mental health. Improving your mental health has been shown to have a positive affect on your physical health, so understand that these two factors are related. Make sure you’re caring for your mental health throughout your battle with a physical pain condition, because that can help spur recovery. Meditation and similar mental health-based activities can help with this.
4. Physical Therapy – Physical therapy is arguably the most commonly recommended form of non-operative treatment for chronic pain conditions, and that’s because it’s often so effective. By working with a physical medicine specialist or a physical therapist, you can develop a therapy routine that targets the underlying cause of pain. Whether it’s chronic joint pain, a muscle issue or loose ligaments that are leading to chronic ankle sprains, a physical therapy program that strengthens specific areas of your body can work wonders.
5. Hot/Cold Therapy – Hot or cold therapy can be beneficial for your chronic pain condition depending on the underlying cause. For example, heat therapy can boost blood flow to an area with limited blood flow due to inflammation, and heat can also help relax painful muscle spasms. Cold therapy can be used to help limit swelling in an area, making joint movement less painful. Consider using this option in combination with other techniques listed on this page.
For help getting control over your pain condition, without or without painkillers, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.