Will I Ever Celebrate Independence From Chronic Pain?

indepedent painIndependence Day is right around the corner, and the holiday got us thinking about the notion that everyone hopes to eventually become independent from their chronic pain condition. But how can we break free from our chronic pain condition and find that independence? In today’s blog, we share some some tips for becoming independent of your chronic pain condition.

Chronic pain conditions are highly unique to the individual, so there’s no one-size-fits-all path to break free from chronic pain. That said, many people who have been able to overcome their chronic pain condition have been able to do so by following some similar techniques. Here’s a look at some helpful ways to work towards independence from your chronic pain condition.

Be Active – We know it’s easier said than done to say “be active” when pain can make movement uncomfortable, but movement is crucial for your total body health. Activity gets your heart pumping, which pushes healthy blood throughout your body, ensuring that structures get the nutrients and oxygen they need to thrive. Exercise and activity has also been shown to release endorphins in the brain that can act as natural pain relievers.

Tweak Your Diet – There’s no magical diet that can cure your of your chronic pain, but if you are smart about what you put in your body, your diet can play a positive role in chronic pain relief. High fiber vegetables, fatty fish and vitamin-packed fruits can all help your body get the nutrients it needs to thrive. On the flip side, foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates can contribute to inflammation onset, which can make joint movement more uncomfortable. Strive to improve your diet or create a food journal so that you can get a better idea of what’s working and what’s not when it comes to your diet.

Work With A Specialist – Don’t try to overcome a chronic pain condition on your own, because it can be extremely daunting. Instead, connect with a specialist who can help develop an individualized treatment plan based on your specific needs. Knowing you have an ally in your corner can go a long way in helping your mental health, which is imperative for overcoming chronic pain, because pain conditions aren’t just a physical issue. Let a professional help guide you to independence from chronic pain.

Stay Hydrated – Your joints and muscles work optimally when they are appropriately hydrated, so drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help your body function and reduce instances of chronic pain. Being appropriately hydrated improves your circulation and makes it easier on your heart to effectively pump this blood throughout your body. Being hydrated won’t solve your chronic pain by itself, but it can make it easier for your muscles to move effectively during exercise.

We hope you have a wonderful 4th of July, and if you want help becoming independent from your chronic pain condition, consider syncing up with Dr. Cohn and his team. For more information, or for help with your chronic pain issue, give Dr. Cohn’s office a call today at (952) 738-4580.