Neck pain can be, well, a real pain in the neck! But how do you know if your neck pain is serious or something that will go away on its own with a little rest? In today’s blog, we take a closer look at five red flags that suggest you should see a neck pain specialist for your neck discomfort.
Neck Pain Red Flags
If you’re experiencing any of the following sensations, or any of the following statements are true, it’s time that you connect with a neck pain specialist like Dr. Cohn to get to the bottom of your pain and start a treatment regimen.
1. Severe Pain – The most obvious sign that you need to seek professional help for your neck pain is if it is severe in nature. If movements bring crippling pain, or you’re in constant pain throughout the day because of your neck, don’t delay. Set up an appointment with a pain management specialist right away.
2. Limited Range Of Motion – You may not have severe pain, but if your neck discomfort is limiting your ability to turn your neck in different directions, you’re avoiding certain movements because you know they will hurt, or you’ve lost your normal range of motion because of your pain, it’s a sign that you need medical intervention. Contact a back and neck specialist to help restore this lost flexibility.
3. Inhibited Gait Or Balance – You might be amazed to learn how much your neck affects your ability to walk normally and maintain your balance. If a shifted cervical disc is pinching a spinal nerve, you may find it hard to walk normally or keep your balance. If you’re walking differently because of neck pain, or you’re finding it harder to keep your balance, sync up with a pain management specialist.
4. Extremity Discomfort or Numbness – Your spinal nerves travel down your body and to your arms and legs, so if a nerve is damaged in the neck region, it can lead to symptoms in your arms and legs. If your hands are going numb when you’re seated or there is a shooting pain down your leg when you walk, have a pain specialist find the source of the nerve impingement and work to correct it.
5. Your Quality Of Life/Independence Is Decreasing – Finally, if you find that you’re not doing all the activities that you once loved because of your neck pain, or your discomfort is restricting your independence, it’s a clear sign that you need medical assistance. Don’t let neck pain dictate your life. Treat the problem head on, regain your independence and achieve that higher quality of life that you deserve.
For more information, or for help with your neck pain, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.