VR Headset Earns FDA Clearance For Chronic Pain Treatment

virtual realityStepping into virtual reality may soon be a way for patients dealing with chronic back pain and fibromyalgia to find relief. Applied VR, a Los Angeles-based virtual reality company, recently announced that one of its headsets received Breakthrough Device Designation from the Food and Drug Administration for treating patients with certain pain conditions.

The EaseVRx is the first virtual reality device to earn this designation from the FDA for treating a chronic pain condition. This designation will make it easier for the development and review of virtual reality devices to help treat chronic pain conditions, and it could also make it more likely that VR therapy to treat chronic pain will soon be covered by insurance.

“AppliedVR is the most evidence-backed VR platform on the market, and today’s FDA designation demonstrates that health experts across the spectrum recognize the therapeutic potential of VR as a viable treatment for pain,” Matthew Stoudt, CEO and co-founder of AppliedVR, said in a statement. “Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupting Americans’ ability to get in-person care safely, we’re looking forward to getting EaseVRx into the hands of people suffering from pain. Providers believe in it, patients want it, and payers are coming around to it.”

How It Works

Patients in the recent clinical trial were asked to wear the headset and watch at least one virtual reality program each day for a period of 21 days. The programs were designed to immerse the user into a virtual environment where they could take in beautiful scenery or even swim with dolphins. The goal behind the program is to help train the brain to focus on what’s going on around a person instead of focusing on chronic pain signals.

At the end of the three-week study, 84 percent of patients reported that they were satisfied with their VR therapy, and on average, pain intensity decreased 30 percent. Patients also reported an improvement in mood, sleep and stress levels, which all play a role in the expression and interpretation of chronic pain.

“Virtual reality is a promising skills-based behavioral medicine that has been shown to have high patient engagement and satisfaction,” said Beth Darnall, PhD, AppliedVR’s chief science advisor. “However, chronic pain patients to date have had very limited access to it, so we’re excited to continue working with the FDA to develop our platform and get it into the market faster.”

We’ve written about virtual reality treatments for chronic pain in the past, but we’re especially excited about this news because it seems like a big step in the right direction. Hopefully they continue to have success with this treatment and more people can find ways to treat or relieve symptoms of their chronic pain.

5 Lifestyle Factors That Contribute To Your Chronic Low Back Pain

low back pain lifestyleBack pain is one of if not the most common type of pain condition in the world, as upwards of 90 percent of adults will experience chronic or acute back pain at some point in their life. And the most common location for back pain is in your lumbar or lower spine. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at some of the lifestyle factors that can contribute to chronic low back pain, and we explain how you can prevent and treat it.

Lifestyle Factors That Can Lead To Chronic Low Back Pain

Here’s a look at five factors that can increase your likelihood of developing chronic low back pain later in life.

1. Inactivity – You may think you’re protecting your spine by avoiding overstressing it, and while overstressing structures should be avoided, inactivity is a lot worse for your body than controlled and moderate intensity exercise. Inactivity leads to muscle stagnation and can decrease spinal stability in your lumbar spine, rendering it less able to manage the stress of movement. Sedentary individuals are at a higher risk for low back pain than active individuals.

2. Being Overweight – The heavier you are, the more stress that is displaced on your spine. Over the years, this extra weight works to break down spinal structures faster than normal. We all deal with some natural spinal degeneration, but extra weight can speed up this process. Working towards a healthy weight, even by losing just a few pounds, can take a lot of stress off our lumbar spine and reduce our likelihood of chronic low back pain in the future.

3. Poor Posture – If you’re slouched on the couch, at your office or while reading a book, more stress is going to be channeled to your lumbar spine. If you work in an office or do a lot of driving for your career, poor seated posture can wreck havoc on your back. Most people don’t realize the damage they are doing to their lumbar spine when they slouch because sitting it not a very physical activity, but done incorrectly it can cause major problems for your lumbar spine. Strive to keep your head over your shoulders and avoiding slouching or leaning forward while sitting or driving.

4. Unsupportive Mattress – We spend roughly a third of our lives on our mattress, so it’s important that we invest in a quality mattress that protects our lumbar spine. Super soft mattresses can cause our spine to shift out of a natural alignment as we sleep, whereas very firm mattresses can leave us feeling sore from too little spinal support. Find what’s comfortable for you, and if it’s been longer than seven years since you’ve changed you mattress, consider upgrading to a more supportive model!

5. Lifting, Bending and Twisting – Regardless of whether you work manual labor or you’re just trying to carry the clothes hamper down to the washing machine, it’s important that you understand how to lift and carry objects so that you don’t hurt your lower back. Bend at the knees, not at your spine, and avoid carrying heavy loads that require you to lean backwards in order to complete the lift. Use another person to perform a tandem lift if the object is large or heavy, and try to keep your spine in a healthy alignment no matter what you’re lifting or moving.

And if you develop low back pain, make sure you treat it before it becomes a bigger issue. Dr. Cohn has been helping patients find solutions for their chronic low back pain for decades, and he can do the same for you. For more information, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.

Preventing Chronic Pain From Having Consequences For Your Social Life

social isolationChronic pain can be a significant physical problem, but unfortunately it’s not just a physical issue. We’ve talked about how chronic physical pain can have an impact on your mental health on the blog in the past, but today we want to touch on another aspect of your life that chronic pain can affect – your social life. Below, we talk about how chronic pain can negatively affect your social life, and how to prevent this from happening.

Chronic Pain And Your Social Life

If you have a chronic pain condition, you can probably relate to at least one of the points below. Here are a number of ways chronic pain can affect your social life.

1. Withdrawing From Friends – Either because you’re dealing with a flare up or you’re afraid of a flare up when you’re out with friends, it’s easy to start using your pain condition as a reason to turn down invitations or to meet up with others. Never be afraid to say no, but at the same time, make sure you’re also offering and trying to make plans instead of always being the one cancelling or skipping. If you’re afraid of going to the movies with friends, offer to host a movie night. Find a way to stay close to your inner circle on your own terms if chronic pain sometimes gets in the way.

2. It Distracts You – Sometimes chronic pain is all we can think about, and that can take away from your enjoyment when you’re out with others. This can leave you feeling distant even when you’re out with friends. Really try to engage in the activity or the conversation, as this can help take your mind off your pain, and this speaks to the larger point of really working with a pain specialist to find treatment and coping mechanisms to prevent pain from making you mentally distracted.

3. Your Mood – Being in physical pain can have a significant affect on your mood, and nobody wants to hang out with someone whose always in a bad mood. Talk with your doctor about your cognitive treatment options to prevent physical pain from affecting your mood. And while it may not be easy, try to reflect on your mood and your attitudes when you’re with others to see if you believe your pain is making you a negative person.

4. Isolated – Chronic pain can leave you feeling isolated in a different way than described in point one where you’re not physically able to connect with friends. Chronic pain can leave patients feeling different from everyone else, and that can be extremely isolating. Don’t be afraid to talk with your friends and family about how your chronic pain makes you feel. Odds are they are going to be more accepting and welcoming than imagined, because you’d do the same for them if they opened up to you about their struggles.

By working with a specialist who understands the physical, mental, emotional and social effects of chronic pain, you can help ensure that your condition doesn’t spill over into other aspects of your life. Dr. Cohn has been doing that for patients for decades, and he can do the same for you. For more information, reach out to his clinic today.

How To Deal With Chronic Pain Without Medication

chronic pain medicationEverybody’s battle against chronic pain is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to treating chronic pain. However, one thing many patients have in common is a desire to avoid painkillers and opioids at all costs. That’s not to say that opioids can’t be a crucial part of a chronic pain treatment program, but for one reason or another, many patients want to avoid them if at all possible.

If you’re one of those people who wants to try and treat their chronic pain without the assistance of opioids, we want to help. Below, we look at some ways you can work to alleviate symptoms and treat the root cause of your chronic pain without painkillers.

Treating Pain Without Pills

Many chronic pain patients find relief with some form or a combination of the following treatment options.

1. Exercise – Sometimes your chronic pain is derived from instability or your body’s inability to provide ample support for stress that is being channeled through an area. Exercise can help to strengthen weakened areas of your body, but it also helps by pushing healthy blood throughout your body so that oxygenated blood and nutrients can aid in tissue development. If traditional exercises like running or walking are too painful, consider some limited weight-bearing exercises like swimming or an elliptical.

2. Yoga – Yoga can provide a number of the same benefits as exercise, but it can also help treat chronic pain that is causing limited mobility. Yoga can help to expand your range of motion and treat issues like chronic neck pain or frozen shoulder. Find a beginner class near you and drag a friend a long to join in the fun.

3. Meditation and Mindfulness – Sometimes, it’s not about treating just the physical condition, you also need to be cognizant of your mindset and how chronic pain is affecting your mental health. Improving your mental health has been shown to have a positive affect on your physical health, so understand that these two factors are related. Make sure you’re caring for your mental health throughout your battle with a physical pain condition, because that can help spur recovery. Meditation and similar mental health-based activities can help with this.

4. Physical Therapy – Physical therapy is arguably the most commonly recommended form of non-operative treatment for chronic pain conditions, and that’s because it’s often so effective. By working with a physical medicine specialist or a physical therapist, you can develop a therapy routine that targets the underlying cause of pain. Whether it’s chronic joint pain, a muscle issue or loose ligaments that are leading to chronic ankle sprains, a physical therapy program that strengthens specific areas of your body can work wonders.

5. Hot/Cold Therapy – Hot or cold therapy can be beneficial for your chronic pain condition depending on the underlying cause. For example, heat therapy can boost blood flow to an area with limited blood flow due to inflammation, and heat can also help relax painful muscle spasms. Cold therapy can be used to help limit swelling in an area, making joint movement less painful. Consider using this option in combination with other techniques listed on this page.

For help getting control over your pain condition, without or without painkillers, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.

How Does Chronic Pain Affect A Marriage?

chronic pain relationshipChronic pain affects many aspects of a person’s life, but it’s not just the individual dealing with the pain condition that has to bear the burden. According to new research, chronic pain can also significantly affect the relationship between a patient and their spouse.

The study published in the European Journal of Pain decided to take a closer look at the impact chronic pain had on households, spousal relationships and marital satisfaction. As you can probably guess, chronic pain can really put some stress on a relationship.

For the study, researchers questioned 114 couples where one spouse was a chronic pain patient at a clinic in Spain. Nearly 60% of participants were female, and the average age was 55 years old. The most frequent locations for chronic pain were the lower back (79.8%), neck (46.5%) and the knee (15.8%).

What Spouses Are Saying

After being asked about their lifestyle and martial satisfaction, here’s what patients and spouses had to say about how chronic pain was impacting their life.

  • Spouses reported an average of just over 90 minutes of caregiving duties each day.
  • 65.8% of patients reported an occupational change because of their chronic pain, with some going on permanent disability and others quitting without compensation.
  • Of 24 listed chores, patients said they performed an average of 18 before chronic pain began but were limited to an average of 12 tasks after pain.
  • On the flip side, spouses said on average that they took on two more chores after their spouse developed chronic pain.
  • 52% of spouses reported a high to severe degree of burden, and roughly 1 in 4 patients and spouses reported having a troubled relationship.

There’s a lot to sort through with these findings, but the main takeaway is that chronic pain can really stress a marriage. Not only can it financially affect the relationship in the form or lost or reduced income, but it can also require the spouse to take on a much bigger caretaker role. Being both a caretaker and a spouse can be stressful and can lead to relationship dissatisfaction, but it doesn’t have to.

There are a number of ways to help mitigate the stress brought on by chronic pain, and we don’t have all the answers here because chronic pain is so unique to the individual. However, one of the best things you can do is talk about your concerns, your fears, your wishes and your goals. Speak up and communicate with your doctor, your care team and your spouse about what concerns you and what you can do to help improve your relationships.

Relationships take work, and relationships involving chronic pain can take even more work, but they are far from doomed. Work to correct your pain issues and to foster an open dialogue between you, your partner and your doctor, and we’re confident your relationship will move in the right direction. And for help with any aspect of your pain care, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.