4 Types of Pain after a Car Accident (and Treatment Options)

car accident injuryCar accidents nearly always result in injury. These injuries can be mild to severe, but most often cause some form of pain. Here are some of the most common forms of pain that occur after a car accident and pain management options for each:

  • Neck pain from whiplash. Whiplash is perhaps the most common injuries sustained as a result of a car accident. It can result from the most catastrophic wreck, or the smallest parking lot fender bender. It occurs during accidents when the vehicle impact jerks the head around so much so that the neck over or hyper extends. Whiplash can cause neck pain, stiffness, and headaches. Often, people with whiplash do not feel symptoms until well after the accident.  
  • Back pain from a herniated or bulging disc. Similar to neck injuries and whiplash, the spinal cord can sustain injury due to the violent jerking motions associated with many car collisions. The bones in your spine are cushioned by discs. During a car crash, these discs can slip out of place and cause pain. Read more about herniated discs.
  • Head pain due to Concussion. It is common for people in car accidents to hit their head on the steering wheel, headrest, or vehicle interior. If the head is hit hard enough it can become concussed – resulting in headaches, confusion, and loss of consciousness.
  • Leg, ankle, foot pain. In more severe car collisions, when there is substantial structural damage to the vehicle, injuries to the lower extremities can occur. These can range from slight sprains, to broken bones. Pain from these injuries also ranges greatly depending on the extend of the damage.

Pain Management Options

  • Whiplash. Treatment options can include a judicial use of NSAIDs, physical therapy, and use of a neck brace.
  • Spine injuries. Back pain from spinal injuries can be managed with medications, physical therapy, and injections.
  • Concussion. If you think you may have a concussion it is important to seek medical help immediately. Concussion severity can range greatly. Slighter concussions should be treated with simple rest. More severe concussions can have a negative impact on your memory and reflexes. In the most extreme cases hospitalization may be required.
  • Leg pain. Again, treatment options largely depend on the injury sustained, but generally the RICE method is the first option for treatment. Physical therapy or surgery may be required with more severe injuries.

Car accidents are common occurrences that can result in a number of painful injuries. If you are still dealing with pain from a previous car accident, talk to your physician about a pain management plan that can help you back to a pain free life.