The Benefits Of Changing Your Diet

Diet and painMost people struggle with their diets. Eating healthy is always a challenge. With the typical American diet, the food is tasty, quick, and unfortunately, not the best for our bodies. The typical diet is high in carbohydrates, the wrong fats and not enough protein. The diet leads to obesity, anxiety, depression, heart disease, stroke, cancer and mental decline. If we could change our diet slightly, we may be much more healthy. Our diet only became bad over the last 100 years when switched from whole grains, vegetables, and meats to highly processed food.

Diet Options

The Mediterranean diet has been one of the better choices recently. The diet is high in fish oils, nuts and grains. Vegetable proteins are also a large part of the diet. It has been shown to be good for weight loss and to reduce cardiovascular disease. Recently it has also found to be beneficial for depression and anxiety control.

The paleo diet is another diet that earned praise of late. This diet was said to mimic the food choices of our hominid ancestors. The diet concentrates on nuts, berries, and meat. The protein may be red meat or seafood. A lot of the seafood is high in Omega 3 fats that are also good for the brain.

Healthy brain food includes seafood, greens, nuts, and beans, with some dark chocolate and wine. The healthier diets improve brain focus, energy and often lead to weight loss. Seafood is packed with protein and Omega 3 fatty acids, the latter is beneficial to maintain neuronal membrane structure. Seafood also has vitamin D and trace nutrients including iodine and chromium. Leafy greens are sources of fiber, folate, and multiple vitamins. Nuts provide protein, fiber, minerals, and healthy fats, and legumes can provide a healthy alternative source of protein.

Eating a healthier diet has many benefits. Combine a good diet with exercise, and one will move toward a better life with less disease, controlled weight and a brighter outlook with more energy. Change is difficult, but has many benefits.