Vote – It Matters For The Pain Care Community

voteIn a country that has very divided political views, voting does matter. Outrageous sums of money have been spent to influence adults on which candidate is better than the other choice. The way we influence our democracy is if we vote. Every election does matter. Every choice for a candidate may influence what happens in your community, state and the nation. For those with chronic health problems, your vote may control whether you are able to obtain affordable healthcare or your pain medications. There is also a sharp contrast in beliefs of many who are running for office, some for policies that benefit all, some are old school and for the wealthy. Also, rhetoric does matter, and the words do count.

I am first generation here in this country. All but those who are Native Americans are immigrants to this country. Many came to this country to build a better life. Some came to flee persecution, discrimination and possible death. My father’s family fled the anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe; my mother’s family barely escaped Nazi Germany with my grandfather buying his way out of a concentration camp. The United States has been built on the hard work of immigrants.

Statistics show that immigrants are some of the hardest workers in our economy and on average the least likely to commit crimes. Only recently has this country turned its back on the world and left behind our role of leadership. We spend our time listening to those who stoke our fears and worry about anyone who is different from us. As technology has developed, we now live in a 24/7 age of information. We also live in a time where what happens around the world is just as important as what happens in our neighborhood.

Polarized Views

This past weekend, the reality of how polarized our nation is became evident. From the shooting at a place of worship in Pittsburgh to the mail bombs sent to politicians with differing views, we as a nation have allowed hate to fester. We cannot continue down the path of hate.

Since we all are immigrants and have been graciously allowed to live in this fine country, it is about time we take responsibility for all aspects of this land. It takes money to run a government, and the government needs to provide service for the people. It takes money to build and maintain roads. It takes money to protect the land from pollution and we need it to be clean for us to survive in the future. Climate change is real; the hurricanes, droughts, and forest fires are among the consequences. The United States also has one of the lowest ranked healthcare systems of the industrial world. We need to spend money to improve the systems that exist, and rid ourselves of stupidity like our pharmaceutical companies and insurance industries that continue to drive prices up for patients.

The current climate in our country is not okay. Everyone should be shedding a tear for those who have died due to our senseless and selfish ways. As a guest in this country, let’s all be thankful for what we have and make this country a model on the world stage of events. Be happy for what we have and try to remember to help those less fortunate. Most importantly, what we say and what we do is important and does affect others. Remember it is important to vote and remember we almost all are immigrants to this country.