The Importance Of A Support System When You Have Chronic Pain

support systemWhether you’re off pursuing your dreams of being a musician in New York City or trying out for the varsity basketball team, everybody wants to have a strong support system that they can turn to in a time of need. Another group of people who need a strong support system in their life are those individuals with chronic pain, but those with a chronic condition know that a good support system can be hard to find. Today, we share some tips for finding and building a strong support system if you have chronic pain.

Chronic Pain Support System

All of the following tips may not apply to your situation, but we’re confident at least some of them will. Here’s how you can build and learn to rely on a support system if you’re dealing with a chronic illness.

1. Find A Few Close Friends – You probably have one or two really close friends or family members that you can rely on when things get tough, and it’s important to lean on them when you need help. Just because you have a large family or a large network of friends doesn’t mean they are all going to be sympathetic to your cause and be reliable in your time of need. Recognize that not everyone is going to be part of your support system, so focus on the really reliable members of your support system instead of trying to involve a larger network of people.

2. Online Support – The rise of the internet has made it much easier for people to connect with other individuals who are going through the same thing. You can find highly specialized support groups that can allow you to talk to people who know what you’re dealing with. Try a simple google search and see what groups are out there. Find one or two that seem supportive and consider joining.

3. Share Your Experiences – A number of people find it helpful to share their stories with others. Whether you’re talking to your best friend on the phone or writing out your daily struggle on an online forum, it can be extremely helpful to talk about your experiences. Find a place where you can vent or be vulnerable, and let your story be heard.

4. Support Yourself – It’s also important to remember that you are the most important member of your support group, and you need to take care of yourself. You need to be getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and partaking in activities that contribute to a healthy physical and emotional well-being. If you have self-destructive tendencies, your support group may fall apart because others may think “Why should I care about them if they don’t seem to care about themselves?” Be your biggest supporter.

5. Professional Help – Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional for help. Whether you need a chronic pain specialist to help you get a grip on your condition, or you want to talk to a mental health counselor about your feelings and your concerns, please reach out for help. We want to be part of your support team, but we can’t get you help unless you connect with our office. Let us help you.

For more tips on building and maintaining a healthy support system if you have chronic pain, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.