Healthy Eating Can Be Hard If You Have Chronic Pain

vegetable dietNew research published in Scientific Reports found that many patients with chronic pain expressed a desire to have healthier dietary habits, but following through on this desire can be difficult as a result of their pain condition.

Researchers took a deep look at some self-reported aspects of diet and nutrition among patients who were suffering from a chronic pain condition. They found that despite pursuing some common suboptimal habits like fast-food consumption and irregular mealtimes, many patients with chronic pain expressed a desire to live healthier. Researchers say the findings can help healthcare professionals and pain care specialists address nutritional challenges faced by patients with long-term pain.

Healthy Eating And Chronic Pain

For the study, researchers polled more than 2,100 individuals with a chronic pain condition about a variety of lifestyle factors and their pain levels. The average patient was just over 46 years old, and more than half were overweight or obese. More than half said they had been in pain for five or more years and reported high levels of pain intensity.

When comparing lifestyle factors, researchers found:

  • People who said they desired to eat healthier were more like to report a longer duration of pain.
  • A higher pain score was significantly associated with suboptimal eating habits (irregular meal times, unhealthy food choices, etc.).
  • People with the worst eating habits were the most likely to express a desire to eat healthier.

Looking at the totality of the study, it’s clear that there is a large portion of chronic pain sufferers who want to eat healthier but struggle to do so. And this is understandable, because chronic pain has a significant impact on a number of different aspects of your life. Chronic pain can be isolating and increase your risk of anxiety and depression, all of which can increase your risk of turning towards nutrient-poor and energy-rich food options. Doctors should be jumping at the opportunity to help patients improve their eating habits, because clearly the underlying motivation is there, they are just struggling with following through on these desires.

This is especially true when you consider just how much of an impact your diet can have on your chronic pain condition. A poor diet can lead to increased inflammation, increased oxidative stress, poorer gut health and alter your metabolism, all of which can make a chronic pain condition and its symptoms worse. Making some small positive changes can slowly help you become healthier and regain more control over your chronic pain condition.

We understand that changing your diet and eating healthier is not easy, especially when you’re battling a chronic pain condition, but that’s where we come in. We know that treating chronic pain needs to be a multi-faceted approach, and nutrition is just one key aspect that we’ll focus on during your journey to better health. Don’t just opt for a doctor who is going to write you a script and send you on your way. Work with a provider who takes a comprehensive approach to pain care, and we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the success of your treatment.

For more information, or for help with a chronic pain condition you’re experiencing, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today at (952) 738-4580.

Diversification Key To Effective Chronic Pain Management

chronic painThey say that you should be wary about putting all your eggs in one basket, and oftentimes that sentiment holds true when it comes to managing chronic pain. It’s wonderful that you are taking proactive steps to fight back against chronic pain, but rarely will you find that pursuing only one treatment method is the most effective. We almost always recommend a combination of treatments to our patients because we’ve found that common treatments are oftentimes complimentary of one another. In today’s blog, we explain why treatment diversification oftentimes yields the best results.

Pursuing Multiple Chronic Pain Treatments

Working to treat your chronic pain on multiple fronts oftentimes helps you win more small battles on a regular basis. One active treatment is great, but multiple treatments can build on one another, fueling even better results.

Let’s give an example of how multiple chronic pain treatments can build on one another. We typically say that exercise or physical therapy is one of the best treatments for chronic pain. Physical activity strengthens supportive structures and reduces the overall impact of stress on your body. When your body can better handle the stress you put on it, it’s less likely to succumb to a chronic pain flare up. Exercise also has a number of related benefits for our health, like improving circulation and regulating our gut health. If you’re only going to pursue one treatment for chronic pain, usually exercise or physical therapy is the best option.

However, you can enhance the benefits of your exercise program by pursuing some complementary treatment techniques. Here’s a look at some additional techniques and how they can make exercise more effective.

Sleep – Improving your sleep quality can help your muscles recover from the physical stress of the day and ensure your body can effectively remove waste products that are produced as a byproduct of exercise.

Diet – A healthy diet can give your body the nutrients it needs to fuel exercise and bodily functions like bone production or cell replication. Exercise can improve your circulation, and improved circulation makes it easier for your blood to deliver the nutrients from your diet to the areas that need it most.

Ice/Heat – The use of ice packs or heating pads can help to regulate the movement of fluid in your body as they have a physical impact on the size of your blood vessels. Effective icing or heating can help you manage inflammation that can occur as a result of physical activity, helping you recover faster so that you can pursue physical activity again in the neat future.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications – Similarly, anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers can help quell discomfort that may be preventing you from exercising or prolonging your recovery period after exercise.

Hydration – Staying hydrated makes it easier for your muscles to work properly during exercise. Dehydrated muscles are more likely to cramp or spasm, so staying hydrated can help to prevent some potential physical issues during exercise.

As you can see, a number of additional chronic pain treatments can serve to make other treatments more effective, so don’t pigeonhole yourself when it comes to chronic pain management. If you want help developing the right complementary treatment plan for your needs, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.

Why Posture Problems And Chronic Pain Are Often Linked

posture problemsChronic pain conditions can be caused and exacerbated by a variety of factors, but one common culprit that is often overlooked is a person’s posture. If you have bad seated or standing posture, it changes how stress is dispersed on your whole body. It can put additional pressure on certain areas like your lower back or neck, speeding up natural degeneration and contributing to chronic pain in these areas.

And while the problem of poor posture is obvious from a provider side, it’s oftentimes overlooked by patients. A recent study by Orlando Health found that only 47 percent of survey respondents were concerned about poor posture and its impact on their health. This is especially concerning when you consider just how frequently the average person puts their spine in an less than ideal position.

Depending on which survey you’re looking at, you’ll find that the average American spends anywhere from 2-4 hours a day on their cell phone, and much of this time involves craning their head and neck forward to look at a smartphone in their lap. If they work a desk job, it only gets worse, as they likely aren’t in a perfect spinal alignment for the 8+ hours they spend at the office. That means that for some people, their spine is in a less than ideal position for more than half of the day.

How Poor Posture Triggers Chronic Pain

Poor posture can trigger chronic pain in a variety of ways. We already touched on one above, which is that poor posture changes how stress is dispersed in your body. When your neck and back have to handle additional stress because you are out of a healthy alignment, discs can wear down faster and irritate nearby nerves. Nerve pain is a common underlying cause for a number of chronic pain sufferers, and it can oftentimes be traced back to poor posture.

Bad posture habits can also contribute to chronic discomfort in the form of frequent headaches. When you’re out of alignment, the muscles and soft tissues in your neck have to work harder to support your head. These muscles are constantly tensed trying to support this additional stress, and this muscle tension can trigger migraines or the aptly named tension headache. Chronic headache sufferers may notice a major improvement in symptoms by improving their diet and their posture habits.

Poor posture also means that inflammation is more likely to develop in certain areas of your body. An inflammatory response is your body’s natural reaction to stress and trauma, so inflammation can develop if certain areas are constantly being overstressed because your spine is out of alignment. Inflamed tissues can irritate nearby nerves and structures, making movement painful and triggering a chronic pain flareup.

We live in a world where it is easy to fall into bad posture habits. Laptops, smartphones and other electronic devices have us constantly looking down or in a hunched seated position, and if we’re not careful, we can end up overloading different areas of our spine. Over time, this contributes to tissue degeneration, muscle tension and inflammation, all of which can serve to make chronic pain problems worse. We’re not saying that improving your posture will address all of your chronic pain issues overnight, but bad posture can oftentimes stifle your progress and cause chronic pain to linger. If you improve your posture, adjust your diet and get more regular exercise, we’re confident that you will be providing your body with the right environment to overcome your pain condition.

To learn more about the connection between your posture and chronic pain conditions, or to talk to a specialist about a pain issue you’re experiencing, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.

Could Non-Invasive Brain Procedure Help Solve Chronic Pain?

ultrasound brainResearchers out of Virginia Tech are exploring the possibility of using targeted soundwaves to put an end to chronic pain sensations.

According to the research published in the journal PAIN on Feb. 5, researchers believe that low-intensity soundwaves aimed at a place deep in the brain called the insula could positively impact the perception of pain as well as some of the bodily effects of chronic pain, like heart rate variability.

““This is a proof-of-principle study,” said study lead author Wynn Legon, an assistant professor at the Fralin Biolmedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech. “Can we get the focused ultrasound energy to that part of the brain and does it do anything? Does it change the body’s reaction to a painful stimulus to reduce your perception of pain?”

Harnessing Ultrasound Technology

Ultrasound technology is commonly associated with the ability to view a baby inside a mother’s womb, but it has plenty of other helpful medical uses. High intensity ultrasound can ablate tissues, while low intensity soundwaves can alter electrical activity within a nerve. The latter was the idea behind Legon’s latest study.

For the study involving 23 patients, researchers applied heat to the back of their hands to induce discomfort. At the same time, a wearable headpiece delivered focused ultrasound waves to a specific spot in their brain that was guided by magnetic resonance imaging. Participants were asked to rate their pain perception during each application from zero to nine. At the same time, researchers monitored a person’s heart and heart rate variability, which can help to interpret the body’s reaction to painful stimulus.

When the soundwaves were administered, participants reported an average reduction in pain of three-fourths of a point.

“That might seem like a small amount, but once you get to a full point, it verges on being clinically meaningful,” said Legon. “It could make a significant difference in quality of life, or being able to manage chronic pain with over-the-counter medicines instead of prescription opioids.”

The study also found that the ultrasound application reduced the measured physical responses to the stress of pain – heart rate and heart rate variability.

“Your heart is not a metronome. The time between your heart beats is irregular, and that’s a good thing,” Legon said. “Increasing the body’s ability to deal with and respond to pain may be an important means of reducing disease burden.”

Although the research is in its infancy, it presents a new angle for tackling the issue of chronic pain. Hopefully future studies will find similar results, as a non-invasive and non-addictive treatment is the ideal answer to the problem of chronic pain.

For now, if you’re looking for a more traditional way to overcome your chronic pain condition, sync up with Dr. Cohn and his team. For more information, or for help with a specific chronic pain issue, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today at (952) 738-4580.

Do Redheads Experience Pain Differently Than Others?

redhead painRed is the rarest of natural hair colors, accounting for less than two percent of the world’s total population. Aside from sticking out in a crowd, redheads also oftentimes have a heightened skin sensitivity to light, but do they also process pain differently?

A few different studies have explored the idea that redheads experience pain differently than others, and we take a closer look at those studies in today’s blog.

Redheads And Pain

Red hair is caused by a genetic mutation in the gene MC1R. This gene leads to the production of a brown-black melanin pigment called eumelanin, and the more eumelanin created by this gene, the darker and blacker your hair. Because of this genetic mutation, redheads cannot produce eumelanin, which results in the dominant pigment being the red-toned pheomelanin. These pigments don’t just impact a person’s hair – they also play a role in eye color and skin tone, which is why redheads also tend to have blue or green eyes and fairer skin tone. But could this genetic mutation also impact how redheads process pain?

The theory isn’t without some merit, as the MC1R gene is also responsible for the midbrain function that regulates our pain response. A few different studies have sought to see if redheads to experience pain differently than those with other colored hair, but the research has produced some mixed results.

First, there was a study involving female redheads conducted by researchers at the University of Louisville in 2004. In that study, researchers found that redheads required nearly 20 percent more inhaled anesthesia for sedation compared to women with darker hair. They also found that lidocaine injections were less effective in redheads, perhaps suggesting that they experience a greater pain tolerance to local anesthetics than darker haired individuals.

A study conducted a year earlier found different results. In that study conducted by a team of researchers at McGill University in Montreal, they found that female redheads required less morphine to dull pain than non-redheads. Additionally, redhead women needed less of a particular opioid for labor-pain than women with darker hair.

So what does all of that say about redheads and pain? Although the research is limited, it’s possible that redheads are both more tolerant to local anesthetics but more sensitive to painkillers like opioids. Either way, there is no significant evidence that suggests that redheads are worse off with a chronic pain condition than anyone else with different colored hair.

At the end of the day, we want to help you overcome your pain condition no matter your hair color or any other unrelated factor. We just want to help you find a solution to your new or chronic pain issue. For more information on how we work to help you achieve this relief, or to talk with a specialist about your individual pain issue, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today at (952) 738-4580.