5 Reasons To Consider CBD Oil For Chronic Pain Management

CBD oilThe following post is a guest blog from Crystal Wilson of CBDFX.com, who reached out to us asking if she could publish a blog on CBD oil. As Crystal mentions in her piece, please consult your physician and talk about your individual needs and treatments before starting or changing a treatment regimen for a chronic pain condition.

Given the growing legalization and popularity, CBD oil has become a household name. People are now gradually accepting the idea of using CBD oil for the many therapeutic benefits it can offer. Recently, it has become a popular treatment for chronic pain.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol, also popularly known as CBD, is one of the many cannabinoids or chemical compounds present in the cannabis herb. Unlike popular belief, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that does not induce a mind-altering high. The cannabinoid has medicinal properties, which can help treat a wide range of physical and psychological health troubles.    

Manufacturers use a specific CO2 extraction process to get CBD and then add a carrier oil to get CBD oil. You can either use CBD oil directly or through capsules, but topicals and edibles infused with the oil are also quite popular. When it comes to pain, effective CBD tincture can be
an ideal way to ingest the cannabinoid.

Why should you use CBD oil for pain management?

Debilitating pain can hinder you from living your routine life. As a result, here are a few reasons for you to try CBD oil for managing chronic pain:

1. CBD is non-psychoactive

The cannabis plant has hundreds of different chemicals that determine how the plant will affect you. Out of the plenty, there are close to 60 cannabinoids that experts are aware of. THC and CBD are among the most popular and prominent cannabinoids.

The chemical compound THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is responsible for the mind-altering high that most people experience. On the contrary, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive properties. It is a medicinal compound that cannot get you high because of its low THC levels.

2. It is legal and safe to use

While most people refrain from using CBD oil because of the belief that it is illegal, they are mistaken. Many countries are legalizing CBD owing to its medicinal effects. After the passing of the Hemp Farm Bill in 2018, many states in the US have legalized the sale and use of hemp-derived CBD products.

Hemp is the industrially grown cannabis, especially for medical reasons. It has a high CBD level and a little THC present, making it ideal for treating many ailments. Moreover, CBD oil with 0.3% THC or less can only be legally sold and used for managing chronic pain.

3. Can bring relief from chronic pain

The human body contains a highly complex endocannabinoid system that regulates essential bodily functions like mood, memory, immunity, and even reproductive health. The endocannabinoid system is a structure made up of cells that produce neurotransmitters called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids go into different body parts and interact with the receptors present there to initiate change.

The cannabinoids produced in your body are identical to the ones present in the cannabis plant. When you ingest CBD oil, the cannabinoids will bind with the receptors present in your cells, hormones, or organs and change how you react to stimuli. Due to this interaction, CBD oil may help manage chronic pain and bring you much-needed relief.

4. May help with rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis is a severe disorder that can affect your joints and muscles, leading to chronic pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disorder where the immune system stops working correctly and attacks joints. It leads to inflammation and erosion of joints.

Although there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, experts believe that CBD oil’s therapeutic properties may help. The cannabinoid CBD might stop the immune system from attacking key points to help prevent the disease. FDA has also approved Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine for pain and arthritis. 

5. You cannot get addicted to it  

A majority of people opt for artificial painkillers to combat the pain. While they are effective, the painkillers come with the risk of over-dependence and addiction. In the case of CBD oil, the chances of getting addicted to it are negligible. Even after years of using the oil to treat pain, you can stop using it without feeling any withdrawal symptoms.

Final Thoughts

In the last decade, CBD oil has emerged as a popular and effective health supplement. With increasing evidence about its health benefits and widespread legalization, it has become a buzzword. If you are tired of changing medicines and consulting doctors for pain, you can give CBD oil a try. It can help you combat chronic pain and organically treat rheumatoid arthritis. Get high-grade CBD oil today and say goodbye to chronic pain for good. However, before incorporating the natural substance into your diet and supplement, consult your doctors or an expert.

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