Dr. Cohn Featured In Minnesota MD News!

cohn featuredChronic pain is a huge problem in Minnesota and throughout the United States, and more people are becoming aware of the issue and trying to help spread awareness. One group that is attempting to help keep people informed and find solutions to chronic pain is Minnesota MD News!

Recently, Sheri Levisay sat down with Dr. Cohn and other members of the CDI Pain Care team to get a better understanding of how we’re working to treat chronic pain and find permanent solutions for every patient.

We’ve pasted a snippet of the feature story below, but for the full story, head on over to Minnesota.MDNews.com. Thank you to Sheri and her team for helping to put a spotlight on pain conditions that affect millions of Americans each and every day!

Few conditions affect more Americans than chronic pain. The American Academy of Pain Medicine estimates 100 million adults suffer from chronic pain, at an annual direct and indirect cost of up to $635 billion. A 2015 National Institutes of Health analysis found 25.3 million people with chronic pain suffered daily for at least three months, and 40 million described their pain as severe.

Compounding the problem is overreliance on opioids. Annual opioid prescriptions in the United States exceed 200 million, according to the CDC, and 165,000 Americans died from overdoses related to opioid pain medication from 1999 to 2014.

As leaders in health care and government search for solutions, patients with pain are left wondering whether their only alternatives are painkillers and surgery.

At CDI Pain Care, Thomas G. Cohn, MD, board-certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation as well as pain medicine, has an answer to that dilemma which reflects his 25 years of experience in the field: conservative pain management.

CDI Pain Care’s comprehensive approach starts with…continued here.