Why It’s Important To Plan Your Exercise

planExercise has always been tough to perform on a regular schedule, and COVID-19 has made this especially difficult. In the time before this, one had a variety of choices including multiple fitness facilities and specialty gyms to exercise in.  Many of these have re-opened, but it can be very uncomfortable to go some place where others are exercising, breathing hard, sweating, and possibly not socially distant.

During the summer it may be somewhat easier to exercise, but as the weather changes, having a plan will be necessary. For those with chronic pain, exercise becomes as important as any medication to control symptoms. Starting a program that can be done anywhere becomes essential.

Planning Your Exercise

Chronic pain affects 30 percent of the population in the United States as well as throughout the world. Controlling pain takes work, and one of the best ways to help control certain types of pain is with exercise. Exercise allows one to maintain function, as it helps to keep joints moving smoothly, strengthens muscles and maintains cardiovascular health and endurance. Exercising the body is necessary to keep it healthy. Unfortunately during COVID, many of us had to rethink how we do many aspects of our lives including eating, sleeping, working and whatever we do for recreation. Many young adults have been displaced from school or work back to parent’s homes. Social circles have shrunk as well as the list of activities available. Work has changed, but for many the office has simply transitioned to a home office, which still leads to long periods of inactivity. These sedentary lifestyles become hard on the body and painful. 

The hardest part of exercise is being consistent and comprehensive in a program. Having a person who helps you and guides you through the process is useful. Exercise is just like a medication; one has to perform a full program often daily to be effective. So, if you just exercise whenever its convenient, it is unlikely that a benefit will be perceived.

A good program will probably include stretching, strengthening and aerobic conditioning. Each part addresses a different aspect of keeping the body healthy and to be effective all three things need to be done.

StretchingStretching maintains joint range of motion and diminishes muscle and joint tightness and pain. 

Strengthening – Strengthening gives the body the power to withstand and perform activities.

Aerobic Conditioning – Aerobic conditioning generates the endurance during the day and increases endogenous endorphins that decrease pain sensitivity.

A lot of people perform two out of the three parts of exercise and wonder why things do not work, and that is just like taking half of your medicine.

Finding Exercise Space And A New Routine

During this pandemic, routine exercise can be especially challenging. It always seems that there are other things that have priority. However, if you are not healthy and active, you often will not have the energy and ability to function fully. Further, stress has been markedly increased, which can diminish the desire to exercise. And even if you want to exercise, many gyms are closed or not an ideal spot to work out, presenting an another hurdle to finding a way to get your exercise in.

The pandemic is also making is harder to exercise if you’re used to doing your workout in a group. Even if you’re used to exercising with others, everyone needs to develop an exercise program that they can do individually in their homes since it is likely that pandemic will force us away from in-person group activities for a little while longer. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be costly to develop a home gym. Stretching requires no special equipment, sometimes foam rollers and straps are useful aides, and a yoga or Tai Chi program can be adapted for anyone. Strengthening can be done using body positioning and gravity, like doing planks, or by using rubber exercise bands or tubing (that can be found online or even at Target). Aerobic conditioning can be done with just walking indoors or outside, and upgraded with a variety of home equipment from treadmills to ellipticals and exercise bicycles.  

Exercise is essential medicine to take care of oneself at any time and especially during a pandemic. Old routines may not work if they depend on you being at a fitness center. Develop a plan such that you can exercise at home and do stretching, strengthening and general aerobic conditioning. There are a significant number of online exercise resources including many tied to different equipment like the Peloton bike, Fitbit, or Apple watches.  Many of the services can be quite affordable at just a couple of dollars a month. Investing in your exercise system is an excellent way to improve and maintain your physical and mental health. Exercise daily as your medication for your health and to control your pain. Consistent exercising makes a huge difference in how well you feel and function.