The Five Best Things You Can Do To Treat Your Chronic Back Pain

chronic back painBack pain is incredibly common, and while it is unique to the individual, oftentimes it can be treated in a similar manner if you follow some smart conservative care techniques. These care techniques are by no means guaranteed to help relieve your pain, but many people find partial or full pain relief by pursuing these options for an extended period of time. In today’s blog, we take a look at the five best things you can do to treat your chronic back pain.

Five Smart Ways To Treat Your Spine Pain

Here’s a look at five ways to help put an end to your chronic back discomfort:

1. Exercise and Activity – If you have back pain, you may feel like the best thing you can do is to rest and let healing run its course. While rest can be great in the immediate aftermath of a painful flareup, it’s not a great long-term solution. Light exercise and simple stretching techniques can help to promote healing and improve blood flow, so work to stay active if you want to help quell your symptoms.

2. Mind Your Diet – If you’re overweight or obese, your spine is going to be asked to deal with excess stress. Working to lose weight can reduce the pressure that is put on your lumbar spine when you move, which can help eliminate your chronic back pain. Even if you’re at a healthy weight, poor dietary choices of excess sugar and fat can lead to the onset of spinal inflammation, which can make movement painful. Strive to eat healthier if you’re dealing with chronic back pain.

3. Hydrate – Staying hydrated is one of the simplest ways to care for your spine. That’s not to say drinking water will magically cure your spine, but it can help improve muscle function if spasms are causing your discomfort. Staying hydrated also helps to improve blood flow, which can help ensure areas get enough oxygenated blood to function properly. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and be wary of excess caffeine or alcohol intake.

4. Care For Your Mental Health – As we’ve said on the blog numerous times in the past, chronic pain is not just a physical condition. There are also significant psychological and emotional components. So while you may want to focus on your physical pain, make sure you’re caring for your mental health. Take time to clear your head each day, and work to limit anxiety and stress when possible. If you’re in a good mental space, it will be easier to care for your physical health.

5. Connect With A Pain Specialist – Finally, if all else fails or you really want to fight back against your chronic pain, connect with a pain management specialist like Dr. Cohn. He’ll be able to give you a comprehensive diagnosis and set you up with an individualized pain management plan. Chronic pain can be very tough to treat, and it’s always helpful to have an expert in your corner. Let Dr. Cohn and his team be your guide.

For more information, or for help with your chronic back pain, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.