Tips For Exercising If You Have Chronic Pain

chronic pain exerciseExercise isn’t always something we look forward to, and that sentiment is especially true if you are dealing with a chronic pain condition. That being said, exercise is typically one of the best things you can do to control and alleviate symptoms associated with your chronic pain condition, so it’s imperative that you make time for exercise on a regular basis. We know this isn’t easy to do if you’re bothered by a chronic pain condition, which is why we wanted to put some tips together to make it less of a battle. Below, we share some tips for getting regular exercise if you have a chronic pain condition.

Exercising With Chronic Pain

There are a number of tips on this list that can make it a little easier to get regular exercise if you have chronic pain, but we understand that they may sometimes come off as something that is easier said than done. With that in mind, we’re also going to share some tips for making these tips easier to follow! Here’s how you can strive to get regular exercise in the face of chronic pain.

Carve Out Time – One of the obstacles that everyone faces when trying to exercise is when to fit it into their daily schedule. Time doesn’t typically just magically appear, you have to make time for exercise. Recognize when symptoms are typically at their mildest and make it a point to dedicate some of that time to exercise. If that means waking up a little earlier or doing your exercise before you sit down for dinner, evaluate your schedule, figure out what time works best for you, and stick to that schedule.

Work It Into Your Daily Routine – If carving out 45 minutes to exercise regularly is proving difficult, look for other ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs at work, bike to the office, take your dog for a second walk or schedule a weekly walk with a friend or family member. Activity is great for the body, even if it’s not in the form of concentrated exercise.

Find Exercises You Enjoy – Find an exercise routine you enjoy, or at minimum, find one you don’t dread. If running isn’t your thing, find another way to exercise. Swimming or cycling are two lower-impact forms of exercise that can provide you with numerous aerobic benefits. Everyone is different, so strive to find an exercise routine that speaks to you.

Low Impact Non-Traditional Exercises – Similarly, you can pursue non-traditional exercises as a way of staying active, especially if you’re dealing with joint pain that could be affected by higher-impact workouts. Activities like yoga or Tai Chi work on improving flexibility and cardiovascular health, which is very important if you’re dealing with a chronic pain condition.

Partner Up – Finally, exercise can seem less taxing if you do it alongside a friend or family member. Ask a friend if they would be interested in doing hot yoga with you on a weekly basis, or walk with a co-worker during your lunch break. Having a buddy to hold you accountable and carry a conversation during exercise can help you follow through and make it seem like less of a chore.

For more tips on exercising if you have chronic pain, or for help with your pain condition, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today.