Five Lifestyle Changes To Help Alleviate Chronic Back Pain

chronic back painFor a number of patients with chronic back pain, some of their everyday actions end up making their pain worse, even if they don’t realize it in the moment. It’s easy to overlook some of the contributing factors to chronic back pain, but once you’ve identified them, you’d be amazed at how much help a few lifestyle tweaks can do for your pain. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at five lifestyle changes that can help alleviate chronic back pain.

Lifestyle Adjustments To Prevent And Treat Chronic Back Pain

Here are five little adjustments you can make throughout the day or add to your daily routine that can make a world of difference in helping you overcome your condition.

1. Move More – Sitting puts a lot of stress on your lower spine, which is the most common location for chronic back pain. Do less sitting and more moving. Limit your time on the couch in front of the television, and consider standing more or investing in a sit-to-stand workstation at the office. Excess standing can be just as harmful to your spine as too much sitting, so try to switch it up throughout the day, especially if soreness is starting to creep in.

2. Regular Posture Checks – Our heads are heavy, and if they aren’t in alignment with our shoulders, you can end up putting a lot of strain on your cervical spine. If you’re slouching on the couch or hunched forward looking at your computer screen, you might develop a case of “tech neck.” Perform regular posture checks throughout the day and make adjustments as needed.

3. Let Your Diet Work For You Instead Of Against You – A bad diet can oftentimes serve to make back pain worse, whereas a healthy diet can act as its own kind of medication. Carbohydrate-dense foods and sugary snacks can contribute to inflammation in the spine, which can compress key nerves and structures and make back pain worse. Conversely, a healthy diet full of vegetables, fish, nuts and fruit can help prevent inflammation and ensure your body gets nutrients that are necessary for healthy tissue growth and function. Rework your diet, and your back may start feeling better.

4. Stress Relief – Whenever we tell patients to de-stress, it always sounds easier in words than it is in practice. It would be great if we could remove stress from our lives, but if you’re juggling work, family and a social life, stress in inevitable. If you can’t find ways to minimize stress, find ways to manage it when it develops. Healthy outlets for stress can have physical benefits for your body. Whether it’s reading, yoga or meditation, find a healthy outlet for your stress.

5. Rethink Exercise – Finally, we challenge you to rethink your exercise routine if you have chronic back pain. You don’t need to go through a grueling gym routine in order to reap the benefits of exercise, so start small and build up to a sustainable exercise routine. Go for a walk around your block, swim some laps at the local swimming pool or do a yoga class with a friend. Over time, build up your distance or duration, as this will help to slowly strengthen key muscles groups that support your spine. Don’t be intimated by exercise because you think you need to lift heavy weights or run a certain number of miles. Set small, attainable goals and work up from there.

If you do these five things, we’re confident you’ll have more control over your chronic back pain condition. And for professional assistance to your chronic pain issue, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today.