Dietary Tips If You Have Fibromyalgia

dietaryFibromyalgia is a tricky condition that is categorized by widespread pain and fatigue, and there is no direct known cause for why it develops. Pain specialists oftentimes work to control symptoms through lifestyle adjustments and increasing a person’s daily exercise. One simple adjustment that oftentimes help to quell fibromyalgia symptoms is improving your daily diet. In today’s blog, we share some tips for controlling fibromyalgia symptoms with some simple dietary changes.

How Your Diet Can Help Control Fibromylagia Symptoms

Changing your diet won’t completely cute you of fibromylagia, but these healthy changes can help to put an end to inflammatory reactions in your digestive system that can sometimes serve to make your fibromyalgia worse. Here are some steps to take if you want to see if you can alleviate symptoms through dietary changes.

1. Journal – Start taking a little more ownership in what you put in your body and how it affects your condition by starting a daily journal. Document what foods you eat, when you eat, who much you ate and how you feel minutes and hours after the meal. Start to map out certain trigger foods and work to avoid them.

2. Avoid Caffeine And Alcohol – Not only can caffeine and alcohol sometimes serve to make fibromyalgia symptoms worse, but they can also prevent us from getting restful sleep. Poor sleep quality can cause fibro flare-ups so you need to strive to get good sleep each night, and caffeine and alcohol can disrupt that.

3. Ditch Highly Processed Foods – Highly processed foods are harder to break down for your digestive system, and this can lead to an inflammatory reaction. Foods that are high in carbohydrates or sugar are typically highly processed and can lead to a worsening of fibromyalgia symptoms.

4. Get Your Daily Dose Of Vitamins And Nutrients – Your body works best when it gets its daily dose of vitamins and nutrients from food sources. These vitamins and minerals can help to ward off inflammation and in turn keep our fibromyalgia in check. Reach for a range of foods from the most sought after food groups, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

5. Derive Energy From Your Diet – Fibromyalgia can leave a person feeling fatigued, which is why it’s oftentimes helpful to work to derive some natural energy from your food sources. You can best do this by looking for foods that are low in sugar and high in fiber. Some foods that are good natural sources of energy include:

  • Nuts
  • Fish
  • Beans
  • Avocado
  • Beans

We’re confident that adjusting your diet and working to make some healthy changes can have a positive affect on your fibromyalgia, but if you’re running into trouble or want more hands-on assistance, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today!