Five Life Hacks If You’re Living With Chronic Pain

life hackWe’re all looking for ways to make life a little easier, and that’s especially true if you’re living with chronic pain. Nowadays we’re hearing more about “Life Hacks” on places like Instagram and TikTok that show how you can do some simple things to make your life a lot easier. So do life hacks for the chronic pain sufferer exist? In today’s blog, we share five life hacks to consider if you’re living with chronic pain.

Chronic Pain Life Hacks

Here are some simple hacks to consider if you want to make life a little easier while battling a chronic pain condition:

1. Use Ice And Heat To Your Advantage – Oftentimes chronic pain conditions flare up as a result of inflammation or poor circulation, but you can fight these issues with an ice pack or a heating pad. Invest in a small ice pack or a heated blanket so that you can use ice and heat to your advantage. Calm inflammation after a long day with ice packs, or bring healthy blood to an area with heat to promote improved circulation. These simple gadgets can help you prevent flareups throughout the day.

2. Hack The Kitchen – Clean eating can help to keep chronic pain symptoms at bay and promote a healthy lifestyle, but we know how hard it can be to cook when you’re battling chronic pain. Don’t try to spend a bunch of time in the kitchen every night. Take advantage of items like crock pots and pressure cookers that can take some of the hassle out of cooking. Or if you’re having a good day, meal prep for the coming days so that you have some healthy options to reach for when you’re just not feeling up to cooking.

3. Find Your Stress Outlet – This tip is helpful for anyone, regardless of whether or not you have chronic pain. We all deal with stress, anxiety and pressure every day, and these stressors can lead to physical symptoms if we don’t manage them effectively. Really work to find a stress mitigation technique that is right for you. Some people do deep breathing exercises, others go for a run, while some curl up with a good book to take their mind somewhere else. Find what works best for you, because managing stress can actually help to control your chronic pain condition.

4. Hack Your Sleep Cycle – Sleep is a vitally important restorative process that allows our bodies to heal from the rigors of the day. We don’t want you to stay in bed all day, because exercise and physical activity have been shown to be effective proactive treatments for a number of different chronic pain conditions, but when it comes time to sleep, make it easier to achieve high quality rest. You can do this by making the room cool and as dark as possible, which oftentimes means turning off the television and putting the phone on the night stand. When you crawl into bed, the only thing you should be focusing on is sleep. We know that’s easier said than done if you have chronic pain, but remove any other distractions and light sources so that you have an ideal sleep environment.

5. Find A Specialist Who Cares – Chronic pain isn’t a battle you need to fight alone, but far too many patients aren’t getting the right type of help from their primary care physician. You owe it to yourself to connect with a specialist who really understands specific chronic pain conditions and whose sole focus is solving your individual issues. Make life easier on yourself by connecting with a specialist who is willing to go above and beyond for you.

To connect with a specialist who cares, or for help with any of the other tips on this list, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.