Five Hidden Causes Of Chronic Back Pain

back pain hiddenBack pain is incredibly common, but as we’ve said on the blog numerous times in the past, this doesn’t mean that back pain is normal. If you’re dealing with back pain, it’s imperative that you work to figure out the underlying cause so that treatment can begin. If you recently fell and injured your back, it will be easier to pinpoint your source of pain, but if back pain seems to develop out of nowhere, it may be harder to figure out what’s causing your discomfort.

In these situations, we need to look closer at some of the hidden causes of chronic back pain. In today’s blog, we explore five hidden causes of chronic back pain.

Common Hidden Causes Of Chronic Spine Pain

If you’re dealing with back pain that ebbs and flows or seems to spring up out of nowhere, you’ll want to take a closer look at your life to see if any of these hidden factors could be contributing to your discomfort.

1. Posture – One of the leading causes of mild to moderate back pain is poor posture. We oftentimes don’t pay much attention to our spine’s alignment when we’re seated or standing, but if we’re slouched or hunched forward, certain parts of our spine have to handle a lot more stress. Over the years, the effects of this stress can catch up to you and lead to intermittent back pain. Conduct regular posture checks to improve your spine positioning so that your lumbar and cervical spinal areas aren’t at risk for chronic pain that can accompany certain degenerative conditions.

2. Food Choices – Food choices can also contribute to or help alleviate back pain. Unhealthy sugary options or carbohydrate dense foods are pro-inflammatory and can contribute to back pain flare ups if inflammation ends up compressing key spinal structures. Examine your food choices in the wake of a flareup and see if you being to notice a pattern between what you eat and how your body responds to these foods.

3. Stress – Mental and emotional stress can also lead to physical symptoms, and oftentimes it can manifest in the form of chronic back pain. Mental stress can cause muscles to tense and force them to work harder for normal movements, which can eventually contribute to regional pain. Find healthy ways to manage stress so that it doesn’t take a physical toll on you. Exercise and breathing techniques are great ways to manage stress when it enters your life.

4. Lack Of Nutrients – Another way that food choices can lead to chronic back pain is if we don’t get enough of certain foods in our diet. It’s not enough to simply choose healthy options, you also need to eat a variety of foods so that you get the right mix of vitamins and minerals in your diet. For example, Vitamin D and calcium deficiency are two common disorders that can lead to bone problems that can turn into a chronic pain issue. Make sure you are getting a healthy amount of nutrients from different food sources.

5. Lack Of Exercise – Finally, exercise helps to keep our body healthy in a number of ways, but it also helps to prevent chronic pain by making key muscles and joints stronger. The stronger these structures are, the more stress they will be able to handle without breaking down. Weaker tissues cannot adequately support the spinal complex, which can lead to posture problems and chronic pain. If you want to fight back against chronic back pain, work to gradually increase your exercise levels with low-impact exercises like walking, cycling or swimming!

For more tips on how you can work to control chronic back pain, or to connect with a specialist who can help you overcome your spine discomfort, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.