Preventing Common Causes Of Fibromyalgia Flareups

fibromyalgiaAnyone who suffers from fibromyalgia knows just how disruptive a flareup can be. One minute you’re enjoying your day, the next you’re dealing with pain and fatigue. And while fibromyalgia can be a tricky condition to completely cure, you can significantly reduce the number of flareups you experience if you are aware of some of the most common fibromyalgia triggers.

Below, we take a look at some of the ways you can prevent fibromylagia flareups by addressing some of the most common triggers.

Common Fibromylagia Triggers And Prevention Tips

Here’s a look at some of the most common fibromylagia triggers, and some advice for keeping these triggers at bay.

Sleep Deprivation – Failing to get adequate healthy sleep can seriously increase your risk of a fibromyalgia flareup. Poor sleep has been clinically proven to increase our sensitivity to pain, make a person more susceptible to a flareup. Obviously the issue can be cyclical in nature, with poor sleep leading to fibro flareups, and flareups making it hard to attain restful sleep. Our best advice is to make your bedroom a dark and quiet environment free from light and technological distractions, and strive to go to bed and wake up around the same time in order to make it easier for your body to develop a healthy circadian rhythm.

Routine Irregularity – If your daily routine is regularly upended, it’s easier to become stressed, and stress is a major trigger for fibromyalgia. We’re not saying that you need to do the exact same things every single day to avoid stress triggers, but try to create a healthy sleep and meal schedule. Wake up, eat your meals and go to bed around the same time each day to help your body get in a healthy routine.

Poor Dietary Choices – Unhealthy food choices are oftentimes pro-inflammatory, and inflammation onset can trigger a fibromyalgia flareup. Try to get the bulk of your calories from fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Limit the fatty and sugary foods, as they can lead to reactions inside your body that cause a fibromyalgia flareup.

Stress – Stress is likely the most common cause of a fibromyalgia flareup, and that makes sense because we all experience stress each and every day. We deal with work pressure, social stressors and family drama, and all of that stress and anxiety can lead to muscle tension and a fibromyalgia flareup. Work to eliminate sources of stress from your life, and find healthy outlets to manage it when it manifests. Many people find that exercise, yoga, meditation or reading can help them find some inner balance and reduce feelings of stress.

Illness – People with fibromyalgia tend to have it worse when they get sick, because sickness triggers an inflammatory response within the body, and this inflammation can contribute to a fibromyalgia attack. There’s no way to completely avoid getting sick, but make it a point to develop some healthy habits. Eat a nutritious diet, wash your hands regularly and get your flu shot every year!

If you’re finding it difficult to mange your fibromyalgia flareups, don’t be afraid to lean on a professional for assistance. Dr. Cohn has helped countless patients reduce or eliminate their fibromyalgia flareups by giving them the individualized attention they need to cultivate a treatment program tailored to their individual needs. For more information, or to enlist his help, give his office a call today at (952) 738-4580.