Tips For Managing Chronic Back Pain If You Have A Desk Job

chronic back painMillions of Americans work desk jobs or in a position where they are very sedentary for an extended part of their day. If you sit for eight hours a day, five days a week, it’s not uncommon to develop back discomfort or even chronic back pain. However, if you are a little proactive in how you approach your job and life outside the office, you can work to reduce or completely alleviate your back pain. In today’s blog, we share some tips for reducing lower back discomfort if you work a desk job.

Combating Back Pain If You Work A Desk Job

You don’t need to completely overhaul your life to combat back pain if you work a sedentary job, you just have to make a few tweaks to your daily routine, and odds are you’ll notice a big improvement in your symptoms. Here’s a look at some of the ways to help reduce back pain if you’re stuck at a desk for an extended period each day.

1. Break Up Long Seated Periods – When you’re seated for a long time, your spine is holding static stress, oftentimes in the lumbar spine. This may not feel all that strenuous in the moment, but over time it will break down structures and contribute to continued pain. Try to get up and move for a couple minutes at least once an hour. Even if that’s just walking to the end of the hall and back or to refill your water bottle in the break room.

2. Stand – Standing will help to take pressure off your lumbar spine and better disperse the stress of gravity and your body weight. See if you company will invest in a sit-to-stand workstation, or find ways to incorporate more standing in your day. Take that conference call on your feet!

3. Exercise – When you’re not in the office, commit some time to an exercise routine. Make sure that these exercises don’t overlook your core, because core stability helps to support your spine. Don’t just focus on your arms and your legs, do some core strengthening exercises, and you back will become stronger and better able to handle stress.

4. Mind Your Diet – A poor diet can be pro-inflammatory, whereas a healthy diet can help to calm inflammation that could be compressing areas in your spine. Plan ahead so that you have healthy meals at the office and you don’t fall in the habit of grabbing fast food because you’re ill-prepared.

5. Posture Checks – Poor posture can also put additional stress on your lumbar or cervical spine, so if you are going to be seated for an extended period, make sure that you have ideal posture. Regularly check your posture to make sure that you’re sitting up straight, with your head directly above your shoulders. Make corrections any time you notice that you’re out of alignment.

6. Connect With A Specialist – If you’re still dealing with chronic back pain even after pursuing some of these techniques, connect with a specialist like Dr. Cohn. He can get to the bottom of your spine pain and suggest additional conservative techniques to help manage discomfort. If more hands-on care is needed, he can provide pain-relieving injections or perform a minimally invasive procedure to put an end to your pain.

For more information, or to talk to a specialist about your back discomfort, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today at (952) 738-4580.

Caring For Chronic Low Back Pain

low back pain lifestyleThe following is a guest blog from Natalia Madden at The Healthy Place, a vitamin and supplement company that originated in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, and now has additional storefronts in the greater Madison area. The Healthy Place hopes to provide customers with the highest quality products and the education needed for customers to stride forward confidently on their journey to find wellness. You can learn more about them on their website,

Your back is in pain and you feel at odds. Why? Well, this frustrating pain can leave us feeling helpless due to its central location, interfering with everything we try to do. Maybe your back hurts from bad posture or daily wear and tear, or you injured yourself exercising or doing yard work. Whatever is causing your low back pain, you want relief — and you want it fast.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to relieve lower back pain without the use of conventional pain medications. Check out the best low back pain relief methods below, where we mention everything from stretches and supplements to the best healthcare specialist you should seek for this pain.

How to Relieve Low Back Pain

  • Maintain good posture: This relaxes tension from your lower back that causes pain.
  • Stay active, even when your body wants otherwise: This prevents the weakening of back muscles and spinal support.
  • Stretch in the morning and throughout the day: Exercises like yoga and Pilates strengthen your core to keep back and hip muscles strong and supportive.
  • See a chiropractor or pain management specialist.
  • Supply your body with natural, relieving nutrients: Eat a nutritious diet and take dietary supplements to keep your nerves, muscles, and bones nourished for less pain and discomfort.

Low back pain is an unfortunately common health issue. In fact, it’s a leading cause of disability and over 25% of Americans struggle with it regularly. While pain relievers and other conventional methods are a normal go-to for low back pain, there are a variety of natural methods to relieve this uncomfortable and frustrating concern.

Stand tall, stay active, stretch regularly, and see a chiropractor or pain management specialist to maintain a pain-free back. And when the pain is in your way of daily life, nourish your body with a natural pain relief supplement. You can learn more about these options by talking to your pain management specialist or by connecting with a vitamin and supplement provider like Find Your Healthy Place!