New Ways To Tackle Your Chronic Pain In The New Year

chronic pain new yearIf you hope that the new year will bring you chronic pain relief, know that this process won’t just happen on its own. If you’ve been struggling to find relief from your chronic pain, it’s time to switch up your current treatment plan. With that in mind, we wanted to share some new ways that you can try to better manage your chronic pain condition in the new year.

New Ways To Approach Your Pain Condition

If you want 2023 to be the year you get control over your chronic pain condition, you may need to adjust your current approach. Here are some new techniques for conquering your pain condition in the new year.

1. Consult With A Pain Specialist – Many people turn to their family doctor or a general practitioner for help with their pain condition, and while that’s a fine place to start, they likely won’t be your best resource for pain care. This year, resolve to connect with a pain management specialist who can give you the individualized attention that you and your pain condition deserve. Pain is complex, and it is best addressed by a professional who specializes solely in pain management.

2. Take Up One New Active Hobby – Chronic pain oftentimes responds to exercise and movement, but we understand that jumping into an exercise routine if you have chronic pain isn’t easy. While we still recommend an exercise routine, you may find that you have more success by finding an active hobby that you enjoy. An active hobby can give you the benefits of exercise without feeling like a traditional workout. Consider cycling, swimming, hiking, or yoga in the new year, and you may just notice an improvement in your chronic pain condition.

3. Reset Your Sleep Cycle – Quality sleep can help you get more control over your pain condition, and the opposite is also true. Poor sleep can make pain sensations feel more intense, and it can also leave you feeling tired and without the motivation to exercise and move. In the new year, really make it a point to reset your sleep schedule so that you get 7-9 hours of continuous sleep. Strive to go to bed earlier and at the same time each night so that your body can get into a better sleep rhythm. As your sleep improves, so too will your pain condition.

4. Journal – Finally, consider starting a pain journal in the new year. It’s much easier to get a true understanding of what affects our pain condition for the good and the bad if we write down our experiences so that we can reflect on them later. Write down how you’re feeling, how active you were, what you ate and drank and how quality your sleep was the night before. Odds are patterns will begin to emerge that will allow you to make more informed choices going forward that will help you better control your pain condition.

If your current approach to pain management isn’t working, try something new in the new year. For more information, or for help with your pain issue, reach out to Dr. Cohn and his team today at (952) 738-4580.