Five Ways To Get Your Doctor To Take Your Chronic Pain Seriously

painkiller abuse doctorChronic pain is nothing if not frustrating, and that’s especially true when you’re trying to get others to understand the extent of your chronic pain condition. People oftentimes fail to understand the depth of another person’s chronic pain simply because pain is so unique to the individual. And while you may not be much worse off if a friend or family member doesn’t take your pain seriously, you can feel helpless when it’s a medical professional who isn’t taking you seriously.

Not being taken seriously or not being believed is one of the biggest complaints we hear from patients who have had no success treating their pain condition with other providers. We strive to show that we take each patient seriously, but if you want to make it easier for your pain physician to believe your story, we have some tips for you. Below, we showcase some ways to get your doctor to take you chronic pain seriously.

How To Have Your Pain Taken Seriously

The best advice we can give is to search for a physician who takes your word at face value. We understand that’s not always easy, but if you want to make it easier for your physician to understand your pain and take it seriously, consider these five tips.

1. Be Detailed – Be very detailed about your chronic pain and discomfort. Many patients find it helpful to keep a pain journal so that both the patient and provider can get a better idea of how pain has impacted you recently. Don’t just note how intense your pain is, document what makes it better or worse, what foods you ate and what activities you pursued that day so that the total picture becomes clearer.

2. Follow Through – If you’re not willing to do what the doctor recommends, they may assume that you’re embellishing your pain a bit. If you’re skipping your physical therapy sessions, not seeking out exercise or failing to change your diet, then your doctor may assume that you don’t take your condition seriously, so why should they?

3. Have Two-Way Conversations – You may be in a lot of pain, but if you just show up to the doctor’s office and expect them to figure out what’s going on and the best way to treat it on their own, you may end up frustrated with your care. If you want to be taken seriously and have a better chance of finding the right treatment for your pain, the conversation can’t just be one sided. You need to open up to your doctor, ask them questions and then converse with them when they have questions for you. Being helpful and engaged during your appointments shows that you are committed to helping find the right treatment.

4. Ask About Active Solutions – As we’ve said on the blog numerous time in the past, pain medications can play an important part in your treatment, but a doctor will be more receptive to your care if you show an interest in active treatments instead of passive treatments like opioids. When you ask what you can do to help manage your condition with active treatments, it showcases that you’re willing to put in the work and aren’t just looking for the easiest solution.

5. Come To Dr. Cohn – Finally, if you’re sick and tired of not having your pain condition taken seriously, connect with Dr. Cohn and his team. Pain is highly individualized, and we promise to give you the personalized attention you need to figure out what’s going on and the best way to treat it. We strive to go the extra mile for each one of our patients.

For more information, or for help with a specific pain condition, reach out to Dr. Cohn’s office today at (952) 738-4580.